May 10, 2018
Cities of Refuge will Arise! Prophetic Word: By Pastor C
I have a heart of compassion and this compassion is a great seed growing daily in the hearts of my TRUE BELIEVERS!
I am searching and searching for those who will receive the anointing to BUILD. The world needs warriors and builders. I will build, and I will build, and I will build.
I will pull out those with great needs and bring them into a place of peace and rest. My glory will rest on these “cities” and many will be drawn to their light.
Understand my ways in these last days. I will use my people in unusual ways; ways that will provide and revive people throughout the lands of the world.
Never doubt my great grace. Never doubt my mighty hand. Believe and walk with me to restore the lives of people throughout the world.
As the winds of the world blow – I will gather, yes, I will gather. As the earth quakes, I will gather and gather again.
365 days from today, I will restructure my remnant – my true church – my believers and they will be a mighty machine going throughout the earth.
Respond to My call! Respond to my voice. Even in the midst of great tragedy I am moving; for I am shaking, and I am shaking and I will shake again. I must wake up My People to hear and heed the call.
It is time to Wake Up and Hear My Call!