Prophecy - July 30, 2018
By: Pastor Carin
There is a convergence taking place. Many things are converging at this time and many things will appear to collide with each other. This collision will cause many events and, what will look like, explosions to take place. This convergence with cause both an up-welling and a down-welling, causing some to question and even fear what is happening, while others will rejoice with anticipation.
Watch for the converging of many things which will take place in the coming days. As all move towards one point and begin to collide there will be a shaking in many areas and even in the minds of mankind.
But as this takes place take note … take note of the explosive communication. Take note of the radical movement all around you.
There will be what looks like explosions - explosive communication – explosive opinions – explosive voices flowing from one place to another.
Some will look at all this and see loss, sorrow and even grief and despair. Others will see My hand and My breath flowing throughout the earth, shifting and changing and rearranging.
This convergence must take place and come to fullness in order that My plans will come forth in this land and in your life. There will be an alignment of many things. Systems will align … people will align … leaders will align and much much more.
My Spirit is about to converge with the plans of man. My Spirit will converge with mankind in a unique and wonderful way. My people must awaken and see My hand moving even in their own lives and in the lives of your families.
Look around. Raise your expectations. Raise your voice.
A collision of My presence is coming from every direction. I am putting all the pieces together. Get on track and stay on track with Me and you will ride the shift with great grace and power.
The natural and the supernatural are converging. Watch and see what I am doing. There is great increase coming … Great Power is being released.
Hang on to My truth and watch. Hang on to My promises and My words and watch. My hand is upon all and mankind will know and understand as the convergence is completed.